throat infection viral or bacterial

But is your infection caused by a virus or bacteria and does it really matter. Understand the differences between bacterial infections and viral infections.

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Sometimes the symptoms of a viral.

throat infection viral or bacterial

throat infection viral or bacterial. Systemic signs and symptoms such as fever are also common. There are many strains of bacterium that can lead to throat infection. Doctors treat viral and bacterial.

Bacteria fungi and various protozoa may also be responsible. Comparison of viral and bacterial infection characteristic viral infection bacterial infection. Strep throat is an infection caused by a type of bacteria group a streptococcus.

It does says otolaryngologist raj sindwani md. Bacterial infections cause various signs and symptoms largely depending on the site of infection. There are many types of viruses that can infect a human and while each virus affects a human differently there are a variety of effective treatments.

Strep throat usually needs. Bacterial infections are a common cause of disease in human populations mostly only affecting one individual but at times becoming quite contagious and. It is an acute infection frequently caused by viruses hence the common name stomach flu or stomach virus.

Typical symptoms in general viral infections are systemic. Bacterial and viral infections must be treated differently. A bacterial infection of the throat is quite common.

Strep bacteria cause almost a third of all sore throats. Misusing antibiotics to treat viral infections leads to the problem of antibiotic resistance.

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